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We have a wealth of information available to help people learn the ropes. Information and mentoring on producing, directing, stage managing is available. Eventually, we hope to have a series of guides or handbooks all published here: 


Producers' Handbook



Hamlet, 2015

Code of Conduct

ACT Code of Conduct    


ACT is committed to ensuring that all persons involved in ACT activities behave with dignity, honesty, integrity and respect towards others. This code seeks to make the theatrical experience attractive, safe and enjoyable for all.


Principles of conduct:                                                                                                                                                                                             -treat everyone with dignity and courtesy;                                                                                                          

- be fair, considerate and honest in all dealings with others;

- refrain from any behavior which may bring ACT into disrepute;                                                                         

- display control, respect and professionalism in all activities: verbal abuse of others in the course of an ACT activity is unacceptable;

- be courteous in dealings with others while on ACT business;                                                                            

- do not behave in any manner, or engage in any activity, while on ACT business which is likely to impair positive public perception of ACT and its members;

- abide by this Code of Conduct and conditions of use, of the venue being used;

- use good judgment and demonstrate respect to other members and the ACT organization as a whole, as it pertains to all postings/comments on both personal and ACT social media sites.   


Health and Safety:   Everyone has the right to participate in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe. All persons involved in an ACT production in any way are asked to take responsibility for their own health and safety, ensuring that their actions do not risk the health and safety of others.    


Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying: Performers, production staff and crew are expected to respect the rights, dignity and worth of others regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion or of their physical or psychological disabilities.    


ACT will not tolerate:    

  • Discrimination. Discrimination is any behavior or practice which reflects an assumption of superiority of one group (or individual) over another or disadvantages people on the basis of their real or perceived identity and includes such behavior as less favorable treatment, unfair exclusion and asking discriminatory questions.    

  • Sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is any unwanted, unwelcome or uninvited behavior of a sexual nature that makes a person feel humiliated, intimidated, or offended.   

  • Bullying. Bullying is behavior that intimidates, offends, degrades, insults or humiliates another person. Bullying can be physical or psychological.   


Production Heads:   (Director, Stage Manager, Musical Director, Producer and all persons leading a team)  Be reasonable in your demands on your team members’ time, energy and enthusiasm. Encourage your cast/crew to show the principles of proper theatre etiquette. Follow these principles yourself, setting the example for cast and crew.   


Grievances:  Anyone who has a grievance or feels unfairly treated is encouraged to first speak to the person who has offended.  If that is not appropriate or does not resolve the issue, speak to your Director, Stage Manager or Producer for immediate and confidential assistance.  If further intervention is required, contact the ACT Vice President.


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