September 6, 7, 8, 13, 2012
Robert L. Cotton Park, Stratford
Written by William Shakespeare
Director: Terry Pratt
Producer: Bunty Albert
Stage Manager: Sharon MacDonald
Costumes: Pam Jewell
Set Pieces: Cyril Armstrong
Props: Ann Greyborn
Publicity: Shannon Murray
Music Consultant: Carl Mathis
MacBeth: Richard Haines
Lady MacBeth: Catherine MacDonald
Banquo: Keir Malone
Malcom: Ben Hartley
Ross: Adam Gauthier
MacDuff: Rob Reddin
Seyton: Justin Shaw
Fleance: Kassinda Bulger
Lady MacDuff & Son: Ashley Clark, Graeme Zinck
Murderers: Michael Joslin, Alex Morkunas
Doctor: Cyril Armstrong
Docents, Witches & Extras: Lucy Morkunas, Olivia Barnes, Emma Russell-Louder, Kathleen Haines, Quinby Barrows, Sara McCarthy, Gillian Gallivan, Lauren Winter, Arielle Vanalderstine
Terry Pratt’s fascination with this play, along with his having attended a Halifax ‘Shakespeare By the Sea’ outdoor production of it, were where things started. He then discovered Robert Cotton Park and began thinking of doing something like the Halifax production. Bunty Albert, producer, became involved in the thinking and along came a Stratfords of the World 2012. As Terry said, “The stars had lined up, irresistibly”. The show played between supper and dusk, and a highlight was members of the audience bearing the boughs of Birnam Wood, as the park darkened. A special highlight of ACT’s Macbeth in the park was the excellent cooperation from the Mayflowers Seniors Club, the Town of Stratford, the organizing committee of Stratfords of the World, and numerous individuals and groups in the community.